Steering comittee

The Steering Committee was appointed by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Katowice in June 2018. It is a consultative and advisory body in the scope of activities undertaken by the Beneficiaries as part of the project implementation. The members of the Committee substantively support the project team: they monitor the correct implementation of the project’s objectives, give guidelines for the scope of planned works, evaluate the implemented activities and participate in the ongoing monitoring of the project. The members of the Steering Committee include representatives of local governments from the areas covered by the project, employees of scientific communities, ornithologists specialized in fisheries management and managers of hydrotechnical facilities. the Committee’s work will end with the end of the project implementation.

  • Chairman of the LIFEVISTULA.PL Steering Committee:
    Habilitated doctor Robert Gwiazda from the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow.
  • Deputy Chairman of the LIFEVISTULA.PL Steering Committee:
    Arkadiusz Włoszek, President of the Breeding Kennel Center in Osiek,
    Dr. Ilgizr Izmazarow director of the Polish Academy of Sciences of the Ichtiobiologii and Gospodarki Rybacka in Gołysz.
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