Monitoring of the night heron population under the LIFE project has ended

Ślepowron gniazduje kolonijnie na zakrzaczonych wyspach na stawach hodowlanych i na zbiornikach pożwirowych. Monitoring populacji lęgowej ślepowrona w Dolinie Górnej Wisły trwa od 1990, kiedy znane były jedynie dwie kolonie lęgowe. Obecnie w Dolinie Górnej Wisły...

Autumn migrations

Autumn migrations

The first larger group of waders migrating to the southern wintering grounds reached the Natura 2000 area "Dolina Górnej Wisły". The most numerous species were wood sandpipers (over 200 individuals!) - they were feeding among which ruffs, spotted redshanks, common...

Social assessment of the LIFE project

Social assessment of the LIFE project

We know the results of the research conducted as part of the "Assessment of the socio-economic impact of activities carried out under the LIFE.VISTULA.PL project on the local economy and society, as well as on the ecosystem function and tourism". The study was based...


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